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2025 Training and Matches

Sign ups are now LIVE

(click each class or match to signup)

Coaching and Training for COMPETITIVE SHOOTING

Where Speed meets Accuracy, Competitive Shooting is the fastest growing part of the firearms world. Consider me your “Personal Trainer” for Shooting. Below is a example of my coaching live on a stage with my Private Action Shooting MATCH/Class...

Learn Efficiency, Marksmanship and Gun Handling from a Professional Competitor. I will help you set benchmarks, identify strengths and weaknesses, and form a plan for progression and training. We can get you ready for your first match- or help get you out of that B-Class slump you’ve been in for years.

CCW and Defensive Firearms Training

Now with NJ and NY allowing CCW Applications, come out and get Trained for your CCW Permit- or brush up on your skills for your next Qualification or Class.

I will be offering Firearms Training Certifications in accordance with N.J.A.C 13:54-2.4(b) to submit with your CCW applications!


Basic Instruction and More…

Basic Marksmanship and Gun Handling sessions available. Nothing fancy- just you, your gun, and some targets! If you’d like to rent the range- email me!!

Also available: Corporate Events, Group Parties, AR Building/Customization Lesson, New Scope/Sight Mounting and Zeroing, Cleaning/Maintenance, and Choosing your First Gun partnering with a Local shop- Lou’s Firearms in Raritan, NJ or Tall Timber Tactical in Canadensis, PA