Alpha Family Preparedness - a Course for the whole Family to get BETTER TOGETHER
Being “Prepared” is always a Hot Topic when discussing training. “What are you preparing for?”……”Are you prepared for…?”… seems to come back around every 6 months when the next horrible thing is broadcast over and over in the news. Alpha Family Preparedness course is designed with this in mind. Coming MARCH 16th and APRIL 21ST . The Family Guardian, or the entire Family, can come get an idea of what they need to do to get more ready for the unpredictability of life. DO you need to build better hard skills? Need a tool I wasn’t even aware of that could save my loved ones life? This course will broaden the way you approach being “Prepared for Anything”. SIGN UP HERE
The very Nature of the world is Unpredictable…and that right there seems to either inspire or diminish people. Those who are diminished, well you can’t force anyone to step up, but we can live the best away and try to Inspire them. BUT Those of us who are Inspired?? It’s MY mission to help these people walk a more efficient path in their Jouney to feeling “Prepared.” I want you to be inspired to get better for YOUR FAMILY and I hope to help you achieve this.
While we aren’t in control of exactly what reality may bring, we can use our intellect first and identify the scenarios I want to be most prepared for. Lesson number one comes early…Situational Awareness. Can you identify the safe and dangerous ingress in any location? Cover and Concealment, exits, etc. If a “Bad Guy” were to come here- where would he likely approach? What would he have? Just starting down this path and using Actual data from Real Life helps us better plan for what may happen. Just getting your brain started here is the BIGGEST first step you can take because now you can prepare yourself or tools to face what scenarios are most likely. Next comes PLANS to face what you may see.
Starting at home- what is your Home Emergency Plan? If you’re already starting to think “Well I have that Shotgun under my bed….” well what if Violence isn’t what find you? What will your Family do if there’s any kind of Emergency- have you discussed a plan? Fire, Medical, Natural Disaster… Think about Where will you bunker down, have Med kits, etc. Or simple…what if it’s Dark? What tools do you have for that? Can you call for help? With no Power? What about simply SEEING in the dark while using tools? My home is my Castle and I want to think about how to keep it safe- but from a defensive and deterrence attitude FIRST.
Lets say all that is covered…Can I safely and comfortably Bug-IN for 72hours in case of Disaster or Emergency? What about if I HAVE to Bug-OUT? DO I have a way to get my family safely in one place, whether home or away, and do they know this plan?? All of this seems to be a bigger part of what we all seem to miss when thinking about getting Prepared. YES be ready for an Intruder…but lets look at the Data we have and see what else we should Statistically be prepared for. Not only You being prepared, but your family being ready as well. Building Plans to include them and encourage them is big part of this! As simple as “Your job is to get the medical bag ready while I lock the door” is enough to bolster the Family Unit.
So far none of this is the “Violence” side, but it is Equally important to a person who wants to live THROUGH an emergency and be as whole as possible on the other side. Do you have good Insurance, both CCW or lIfe? You don’t want to hesitate in action due to uncertainty what happens next. Do you have the Moral and Spiritual “Fitness” to deal with a deadly encounter, your fault or not.
If the worst were to happen- How is your medical preparedness? And not Neosporin and bandaids…can you identify and stop arterial bleeding in limbs? a LARGE MAJORITY of life threatening accidents happen at home, specifically in the kitchen. Don’t wait for a faux-badguy to learn how to use a tourniquet or TCCC. Having a easily Identifiable and Usable med kit is a LARGE addition to your preparedness.
Now to put a Bow on the entire attitude of Preparedness…Violence is a fact of Life. It may come to find you, or you may need to use it to Control a situation. Can you EFFICIENTLY Defend your Loved ones or Yourself from Violence?DO you understand a Reactionary Gap, to increase your safety passively? If someone were to grab you, can you control wrists or limbs in a manor to gain leverage? If tools are introduced, do you carry or effectively know how to use “Touch” or “Impact” tools ie a Knife, Handheld tool to gain an advantage? Based on a quick look at this situation- do you know what the opponent will likely do first? What is your cue to START the fight? Thats A LOT more than “ill just shoot them if they come in my house” and it should be a LOT more thoughtful. Knowledge is Power here. But then…Power is Power. Can I strike Efficient and Effectively? Can I produce a Force Multiplier if neccesary and use it QUICKLY and effectively? These are all questions you should have answers to. And “NO” is an answer, as it allows you to start training. “I don’t know..” is where I want to help!
THIS WHOLE COURSE will be designed for you to be able to Answer all these questions. Not only answer them, but build towards them all being a HARD YES for you. Identifying what you need to have a Well Rounded system, physically and mentally, is the Foundation of all of this. In YOUR reality, not some tough guy fantasy. WHether just the Family Guardian, or the Whole family comes, its a Flat rate for you to come build your systems. As a Bonus…because we will be training with other likeminded Families, we will be able to build a community of Preparedness, rather than Islands…HOPE TO SEE YOU AT DOUBLE EAGLE!!